1 in 4 people think we’re government funded*.
We're not. We rely entirely on your donations.
You make a huge difference to each and every one of our patients.
Your generosity fuels our service – we receive no regular government or NHS funding and our costs are rising. Your amazing support is the only reason we have been able to continue delivering – and improving – our service in such difficult circumstances. Regular unrestricted donations are the life-blood of our operation – whether you support through the lottery, raffle, regular giving, or fund a mission outright as a Navigator donor, it all contributes to the life-saving work we deliver together.
With your ongoing help, we are confident that we can meet the challenges ahead and continue to be there for local people across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk for many decades to come. We’re so thankful for your continued support, in all its forms. Every life saved is thanks to you.
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Mark's story...
Mark Youles, 46 from Garvestone in Norfolk, needed help from SARS and EAAA in 2021 when he collapsed on Southwold beach, suffering from a brain haemorrhage.
"The events of that day were the scariest in my life. The care and kindness Mark, myself, and my family were shown at the time, and all the aftercare since has been truly amazing. I can’t thank you all enough." Nicola Youles, Mark's wife
You make the difference to people like Mark and his family.
This Air Ambulance Week, help us change the 1 in 4 and do your part to save lives. We need your help to spread the word about what we do and how were funded.
* Based on 2018 research.