Katy-Ann is a ten-year-old girl from Hales in Norfolk who suffers from brittle bone disease. To date, she has had over 80 fractures.
In February 2019 Katy-Ann was playing in the garden with her sisters, Chelsea and Evie. Katy-Ann tripped as she was running after a ball, her leg buckled, and she let out a scream. She had broken her leg.
Katy-Ann’s Mum, Laura, quickly ran to her side and called 999. An ambulance was dispatched, as well as the Anglia One critical care team by rapid response vehicle. Critical Care Paramedic Rod Wells was on duty at the time, and quickly went to Katy-Ann’s aid in just 22 minutes from the Norwich base.
The break in Katy-Ann’s shin was very serious, with a portion of the bone exposed. It would have to be reset and splinted before she could travel to hospital. Rod gave Katy-Ann pain relief and worked with the EEAST ambulance team to set the fracture.
Katy-Ann was incredibly brave, truly. She must have been in a lot of pain before we got to her but she was extremely calm about everything, which really impressed me. The break was quite bad, so it was vital that we got her to hospital as quickly as possible for further treatment. Due to Katy-Ann's condition, it's taken her a long time to heal, but it's great to see her now with a big smile on her face and just a few scars on her leg. I hope she won't need our help again, but we're always here in case she does.
— Rod Wells, EAAA Critical Care Paramedic
Katy-Ann’s mum added: “Although Katy-Ann has had several fractures, this was by far the worst. She had to have three surgeries on it already and 12 weeks off school, with me home schooling her, as it was just too much of a risk that she might damage the bone again. She still needs another surgery to fuse her tibia together, which we hope will be soon.
“Katy-Ann has had numerous operations over the years and has to have regular bisohosphonate zoldrinic acid infusions to help strengthen her bones and minimise the number of fractures she gets. We’re so grateful that Rod and the ambulance crew were able to help Katy-Ann when she broke her leg and helped to put us all at ease. She absolutely loved visiting the base and getting to see the helicopter. Thank you. ”