The night before Christmas

23 December 2020

An adaptation of the poem 'A visit from St. Nicholas' by Clarke Morre

EAAA adaption written by Sarah Atkins, Head of HR at EAAA. 

‘Twas the shift before Christmas, and all thro’ the base,

The crew were all ready, poised just in case

Flight helmets were hung by the back door with care,

Ready in case they were called to the air Support teams were working hard at their desks

Helping raise funds and planning events

And Volunteers with their buckets and I with my tin Spoke of past EAAA lottery wins

When there in the crew room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter

Away to the window I flew like a flash

Threw back the blinds and had site of the dash

The sound of the bell in the calm of the shift

Foreshadowed the noise as they decided to lift

When, what to my wondering eyes should I see

But two pilots, a Doctor and a fine CCP

With a Captain and Co-Pilot, so calm and steady I knew in a moment they’d soon be flight ready

The Paramedic listened, the need for HEMS was proclaimed

They wrote notes on their knee pad then rose and exclaimed

“Now! Defib, now! bougie, Now Red Bag and Blue

“Don PPE, NVIS goggles and pack airway tubes “

To the helipad now! and in our aircraft we climb”

“Thanks to our H145 we’ll be there in no time”

As twin engines sound to lift the crew high

It’s a sight to behold as they mount to the sky

So up to the house-top the coursers they flew

With kit bags and care – and capability too

And with them gone, I thought of who needing their healing

The sadness and fear that they must be feeling

As I let out a sigh, and was turning around

The Aftercare Team strode in with abound

Reaching out, connecting and making time to assist

They help families and patients with details they’ve missed

A service so unexpected but so vital too

All nurses and proud to do what they do

I turn to our Fundraisers– for they are the ones

Explaining we receive no direct government funds

Their stewardship and efforts keep the blades turning round

It’s not easy raising money when the world’s in lockdown

I think next of our band of trusted volunteers

Donating their time and all in good cheer

A team with who we could not manage without

Spending weekends and evenings out and about

As I look out at our crew who drop down from the heavens

I remember we respond 24/7

Our service all thanks to kind supporter gifts

Ensuring we are covered for all of our shifts

Later, back in the crew room the duty Doctor mused

“Our lifesaving team include those on the ground too”

And he sat down to rest with a fresh cup of tea

Then the red phone rang loudly and they jumped to their feet

They dashed to the aircraft, the cold air made them whistle

And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle:

But I heard them exclaim, as they banked out of sight

‘Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.’

Our grateful thanks to Sarah for its creation and our readers for making this poem extra special.

Read by

Victor Inyang, Medical Director, EAAA

Conor McGeown, Head of Development, EAAA

Holly Marshall, Strategic Relationships and Partnerships Manager

Mark Proctor, Senior Partner of Lovewell Blake and EAAA Corporate Supporter

Alan and Gill Smith, EAAA Volunteers

Richard Anderson, HEMS Pilot for EAAA

Easy Clean Windows Team, Corporate Supporter of EAAA

Sarah and Patrick Saunders, Black Shuck Ltd and EAAA Corporate Supporter

Wendy Wootton, EAAA Volunteer

James Parkinson, EAAA Fundraiser, recently walking 90.43km from Woodbridge to Norwich

Dr Neil Berry with his family, Kim, Olly (age 9) and Chloe (age 7)

Felicity Taylor Armstrong, Senior Events Manager at Gladiator Events, Event Supplier

Jeanette Wheeler, Partner of Birketts and EAAA Corporate Supporter

Sarah Atkins, Head of HR, EAAA

Where Next?
